• News

    Ahead of the Pan Africa ILGA (PAI) conference in Mauritius from July 31 to August 4, Hivos spoke to Nnedinma Ulanmo, speaker at PAI and partner in our program Free to be Me. In this interview, she talks about her work with WISE in Nigeria, and the similarities she saw with the queer community when […]

    July 27, 2023
  • blog

    By Mangiza Chongo Chirwa, Healthy Food Africa Project Manager Zambia is facing a serious challenge of malnutrition. According to the latest data, the country suffers from a triple burden of malnutrition: under-nutrition, over-nutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. This not only affects the health, well-being and productivity of millions of Zambians, but it’s also keeping the country […]

    July 25, 2023
  • News

    In Tunisian Arabic dialect, boubli refers to the sounds of people arguing or disagreeing. When young Tunisians “make a boubli,” they challenge social norms and disrupt public debates from which they traditionally are excluded. It makes sense then, that the new kid on the block in Tunisia’s media landscape chose this as its name. Boubli […]

    July 18, 2023
  • blog

    By Eva Moldovany, program manager at Fondation Botnar, and Ana Carolina Benítez, linking & learning officer at Hivos Hivos and Fondation Botnar recently organized a kickoff week in the beautiful city of Bandung, Indonesia to launch our new program Urban Futures. This innovative initiative focuses on empowering youth to push for inclusive and climate-resilient urban […]

    July 13, 2023
  • News

    2023 is a decisive year in Zimbabwe – not only for Hivos’ work to empower women  – but this August Zimbabwe is holding its Harmonized Elections (parliamentary, provincial, local and presidential elections). It is a time that offers opportunities for women in politics to step up and be recognized as leaders. Our three women’s empowerment […]

    July 4, 2023
  • News

    On May 30, 2023, Brazil’s lower house of Congress approved a bill (Bill 490) that could be a death sentence for the Amazon and the Indigenous communities who protect it. In the letter, the spokespersons on foreign affairs of ChristenUnie (Christian Union), GroenLinks (GreenLeft), Partij voor de Dieren (Party for the Animals), PvdA (Labor Party), […]

    June 13, 2023
  • News

    On May 30, 2023, Brazil’s lower house of Congress approved a bill that could be a death sentence for the Amazon and the Indigenous communities who protect it. In the coming days the bill will be put to a vote in the Senate. Hivos expresses its deepest concern about this piece of legislation and calls […]

    June 1, 2023
  • News

    Uganda President Yoweri Museveni has assented to an anti-homosexuality law. The speaker of the country’s parliament made this announcement today, May 29, 2023. This comes as defiance to international pressure appealing to the President not to sign the law.  Same-sex relations were already illegal in Uganda, but the new law goes much further in targeting […]

    May 29, 2023
  • call

    The collaboration grant will support advocacy collaboration efforts and initiatives by consortia or networks. The purpose is to amplify voices and promote collaboration in promoting adolescent and youth SRHR in East and Southern Africa.

  • News

    The rights of LGBTIQ+ people are under attack. Around the world, we see that hard-won gains are being rolled back. Queer people have never been as visible as today, but their visibility seems to come at a price. Hivos applauds the courage and determination of the global queer community.

    May 16, 2023