• blog

    “Women usually juggle many tasks between the workplace and home, yet they are expected to cope with these different roles without complaining. Since I began working on WE4L in 2016, I have heard stories of how women have forgone opportunities for career advancement because they could not balance working life with the demands of their […]

    May 30, 2019
  • News

    On 30-31 May, UN-OHRLLS* and GEIDCO** organize the Global conference on Scaling-up Energy Access and Finance in Least Developed countries in Beijing, China. The conference will focus on concrete measures to accelerate energy access and enhance financing for sustainable and modern energy (SDG7).  Together with civil society partners and journalists from Nepal, Tanzania, Zimbabwe and […]

    May 29, 2019
  • News

    Cooking with renewable electricity is now cost-competitive with other cooking alternatives in most developing countries, concludes a new report called Beyond Fire: How to achieve electric cooking by Hivos and World Future Council. This is a significant improvement from three years ago when the two organizations studied this for the first time.   Achieving sustainable […]

    May 29, 2019
  • story

    Water is life

    “Water is life, and we cannot live without water.” Grenda Nyangaphiza from Chinkhwiri, Malawi, gets her water from a borehole that she shares with 1,250 people. But the borehole was only supposed to supply water to 250 people. Many boreholes in her region break and don’t get fixed, or worse, are not built in the first place. “We want the power to question the government,” says Grenda.

  • News

    Energy experts were debating whether or not coal is the ultimate answer to Malawi’s electricity problems when power flickered off. Time check was 11.48am. It was a sunny Wednesday on 10 April 2019 at the Sunbird Capital Hotel in Lilongwe, Malawi. Hivos in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Energy, had convened […]

    May 3, 2019
  • News

    Hivos leads new LGBT+ consortium in Africa In more than 32 countries in Africa, same sex conduct is punishable by law, and in some countries such as Nigeria, family members and friends can sometimes face criminal charges if they are found guilty of “aiding or abetting” same-sex relationships. These laws foster a culture of discrimination […]

    April 23, 2019
  • News

    HARARE – UK Secretary of State for International Development, Ms Penny Mordaunt recently, announced that up to £12 million UK Aid Connect funding will be available for a consortium led by Hivos  to work on LGBT+ inclusion in Africa. The consortium brings together African LGBT+ networks, research institutes and international NGOs, to promote LGBT+ inclusion on the […]

    March 26, 2019
  • News

    According to the 2018 State of food and agriculture report published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), globally women make up about 43 percent of the agricultural labor force worldwide, and in some countries like Zambia, women make up 80 percent of all farmers. In addition to participating in farming, most women particularly in […]

    March 7, 2019
  • News

    Women’s underrepresentation in formal entrepreneurial activities has negative consequences for women and for Africa’s overall development. The lack of female scientists and techies means major untapped potential for national economies and future employment needs. Without access to, understanding of and participation in science and technology, women are at greater risk of being left behind in […]

    March 5, 2019
  • News

    Throughout Africa and the Middle East, entrepreneurial women and men are finding innovative ways to deal with socio-economic and environmental challenges by setting up economically sound and inclusive companies. These “inclusive entrepreneurs” bring together community stakeholders, technology, expertise and new approaches to solve deep-rooted problems. The Disrupt! approach What’s an effective way to provide long-term […]

    January 28, 2019
  • story

    “Zimbabwe is open for business!”

    “After the media training I received conducted by Hivos and Climate Tracker, for me, reporting on climate change has never been the same. This kind of workshops help an increasing number of journalists understand the fact that energy poverty is a huge problem, and that reporting on it in a way that puts a human face on the issue opens lots of doors.”