• News

    The 10th anniversary edition of RightsCon is taking place next week. The (online) event brings together business leaders, human rights defenders, government representatives, technologists, and journalists from around the world to tackle the most pressing issues at the intersection of human rights and technology. Issues that are also high on Hivos’ change agenda. This year, Hivos […]

    June 3, 2021
  • vacancy

    About Hivos Hivos is an international development organization guided by humanist values. Together with citizens and their organizations, we aim to contribute towards just, inclusive and life sustaining societies where people have equal access to opportunities, rights and resources. We work in partnership with others in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America on […]

  • opinion

    By Conrad Zellmann, Impact Lead for Civic Rights in a Digital Age Societies everywhere find themselves amidst a storm of challenges. Inequality and discrimination, weak defenses against corruption, and widespread disinformation undermine our ability to confront the global Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis. This week we celebrated Open Government Week. The values that are […]

    May 21, 2021
  • News

    Hivos expresses our very deep concern over the human rights situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel. The latest outbreak of hostilities was triggered by efforts to forcibly displace Palestinian families in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem. While Hivos does not have program and operational presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, […]

    May 19, 2021
  • News

    The free exchange of information, and the ability of journalists to exercise their right to freedom of expression and to find out facts, are essential in a healthy democracy. It is often their work, uncovering the truth and holding those in positions of power to account, that helps citizens make informed decisions and likewise demand […]

    May 19, 2021
  • opinion

    By Sally Akinyi and Mumbi Mugo The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have far-reaching consequences globally. Countries have been ravaged socially and economically, with public health systems on the brink of collapse and job losses rivaling the Great Depression. While governments have been swift to cushion citizens with medical responses, lockdowns and economic stimulus packages, too […]

    May 18, 2021
  • News

    For the second time, we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia during the Covid-19 pandemic. As we reflected last year, the LGBTIQ+ community has been disproportionately impacted. Limited access to economic support programs and redirection of funds means that the longer this pandemic lasts, the harder it will be for the LGBTIQ+ […]

    May 17, 2021
  • News

    The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted people’s lives socially and economically in a global challenge the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades. While many governments were swift to implement economic stimulus packages, lockdowns and curfews, marginalized groups such as LGBTIQ+ persons, women and sex workers found themselves at the margins of these responses and […]

    May 14, 2021
  • vacancy

    About Hivos Hivos is an international development organization guided by humanist values. Together with citizens and their organizations, we aim to contribute towards just, inclusive and life sustaining societies where people have equal access to opportunities, rights and resources. We work in partnership with others in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America on […]

  • News

    Amani, My Friend, the prototype of an interactive digital game, has won a friendly competition between master’s students studying media design at the University of Design and Applied Arts of Geneva (HEAD). The competition aimed to support the development of virtual tools which foster the exchange of information on HIV and sexual health among adolescent […]

    May 3, 2021
  • vacancy

    The programme Free to be Me is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the Power of Voices programme, which is part of the Strengthening Civil Society subsidy framework. The five-year program has a budget of EUR 37 million. To implement this programme in Southern Africa,  we are looking for a Project Officer – Free to be Me.