• News

    For Ekal Erupe, a nomadic Turkana pastoralist from Kenya, sovereignty means a sense of authority over his cattle -a source of his livelihood – and sharing resources with his neighbours from the Karamoja community across the border in Uganda. The history of cross-border pastoralist communities has been marred by -clan tensions and resources driven- conflicts […]

    July 15, 2021
  • News

    This is a series of stories from the Resource of Open Minds (R.O.O.M) Program, New Ways of Working focus area. Through this new area we have on boarded 8 grantees in our continued support to defend the waning civic space in East Africa. Contribution by guest blogger- Natasha Simma Fleeing home to seek refuge and settle […]

    July 14, 2021
  • blog

    This is a series of stories from the Resource of Open Minds (R.O.O.M) Program, New Ways of Working focus area. Through this new area we have on boarded 8 grantees in our continued support to defend the waning civic space in East Africa. By guest blogger- Phillip Ayazika For many years artistry has proven to be […]

    July 5, 2021
  • News

    This is a series of stories from the Resource of Open Minds (R.O.O.M) Program, New Ways of Working focus area. Through this new area we have on boarded 8 grantees in our continued support to defend the waning civic space in East Africa. The prolonged COVID-19 pandemic has had its fare share of challenges affecting […]

    July 1, 2021
  • blog

    By Sheila Mulli, Regional Program Manager – Voice Kenya & Tanzania Money is always a tough conversation to have in any relationship, whether personal or professional. In my short time as a grant maker, I’ve come to realize that money conversations will never be easy, and they definitely play a large part in the power […]

    June 14, 2021
  • News

    By Mendi Njonjo, Regional Director, Hivos East Africa As the rest of the world continued with information exchanges online, a wall of silence fell on citizens of Nigeria on Friday, June 4, 2021. The federal government announced a ban on Twitter, leading to a full blackout affecting millions of users that is now entering its […]

    June 10, 2021
  • News

    2021 marks 40 years since the first case of AIDS was reported in the world, signalling the rise of an epidemic that is not a respecter of geographic location, gender, race, ethnicity or age. In fact, low income countries have been worst hit with extreme impact on vulnerable populations such as women and the youth. […]

    June 9, 2021
  • blog

    By Churchill Ongere, Anthony Wafula and Sally Akinyi The digital era has come of age and now influences or affects multiple aspects of our lives. Most would characterize it as an information explosion that has made knowledge – once the prestigious perk of elite groups – a widely-accessible tool for human development. News production is […]

    June 8, 2021
  • News

    The 10th anniversary edition of RightsCon is taking place next week. The (online) event brings together business leaders, human rights defenders, government representatives, technologists, and journalists from around the world to tackle the most pressing issues at the intersection of human rights and technology. Issues that are also high on Hivos’ change agenda. This year, Hivos […]

    June 3, 2021
  • opinion

    By Conrad Zellmann, Impact Lead for Civic Rights in a Digital Age Societies everywhere find themselves amidst a storm of challenges. Inequality and discrimination, weak defenses against corruption, and widespread disinformation undermine our ability to confront the global Covid-19 pandemic and the climate crisis. This week we celebrated Open Government Week. The values that are […]

    May 21, 2021
  • opinion

    By Sally Akinyi and Mumbi Mugo The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have far-reaching consequences globally. Countries have been ravaged socially and economically, with public health systems on the brink of collapse and job losses rivaling the Great Depression. While governments have been swift to cushion citizens with medical responses, lockdowns and economic stimulus packages, too […]

    May 18, 2021
  • News

    For the second time, we celebrate the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia during the Covid-19 pandemic. As we reflected last year, the LGBTIQ+ community has been disproportionately impacted. Limited access to economic support programs and redirection of funds means that the longer this pandemic lasts, the harder it will be for the LGBTIQ+ […]

    May 17, 2021