Young people across the East and Southern African region continue to face barriers in exercising their right to access sexual and reproductive health information and services.
To address the gaps grassroots and youth-led civil society organizations and networks face, the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) in Tanzania, with support from the Regional SRHR Fund, implemented a cross-national adolescents’ reproductive rights program. This was aimed at increasing adolescents’ participation and improving collaboration among youth CSOs for a strong, harmonized, and empowered reproductive rights advocacy in Tanzania, Kenya, and Malawi.
This case study examines how WGNRR has built and supported a grassroots sub-regional youth movement to enhance young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, including safe and legal abortion. Some of the key approaches used included advocacy capacity building, regional networking and collaboration and evidence-building using HeRWAI Assessment and evidence-based advocacy.
Read more case studies produced by the Regional SRHR Fund