• News

    The free exchange of information, and the ability of journalists to exercise their right to freedom of expression and to find out facts, are essential in a healthy democracy. It is often their work, uncovering the truth and holding those in positions of power to account, that helps citizens make informed decisions and likewise demand […]

    May 19, 2021
  • News

    Hivos’ new GreenWorks program aims to mitigate the impact of climate change through job creation and economic empowerment across North Africa.

    April 9, 2021
  • News

    A week after Beirut and its population were hit by massive explosions at a warehouse at the city’s port on August 4, everyone is still trying to come to terms with the scale and impact of the disaster. The explosions damaged large parts of the city, killing more than 200 people, injuring over 6,000, and […]

    August 11, 2020
  • News

    2020 will go down in history as the year that put a hold on daily life around the globe. We have an opportunity to make sure it will also be remembered as the year in which the fight for more inclusive, transparent and green societies gained a new and inspired push. The actions that we […]

    June 11, 2020
  • News

    “After surviving the horrors of war for nine years, all that time fighting for peace, human rights, and democracy for the Syrian people, it is this pandemic that frightens me the most.” These are the words of Rajaa Altalli, a Syrian women’s rights activist, and co-founder and co-director of Hivos partner the Center for Civil […]

    March 27, 2020
  • News

    The estimates depend on whom you ask, but one thing is certain. Since the start of the Syrian war in 2011, hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed and wounded. Millions more have had to leave everything behind, including family, in search of safety. As international power blocks fight to secure their own interests […]

    January 16, 2020
  • News

    Little Reed Farmhouse, a company supported by Hivos’ ARC program, was highlighted during a donor field visit. A perfect moment for Elissa Cortas, owner of Little Reed, to present her company and introduce the women cooks that have come to play such an important role in the community. The ARC (Addressing Root Causes) program is […]

    October 17, 2019
  • News

    This year’s annual Women Empowered for Leadership conference brought participants from Jordan, Lebanon, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Netherlands to Amman, Jordan to reflect and learn from our experiences. For example, what the main lessons should be, which strategies have worked, and how to further improve the situation of women in leadership positions. The conference […]

    October 10, 2019
  • story

    Helping Egyptian youth turn their passion into income

    “Every time I hear ‘If you left Tanta you’d have a much better life,’ I refuse. Why do we have to live in Cairo – or even abroad – to earn a decent living? I want the same opportunities for more disadvantaged places like my town.”

  • blog

    How Hivos is helping them in their battle for peace, rights, and inclusion Last July, I attended a conference on women’s rights in Syria organized by Hivos and its partners. To some it may sound strange to focus on women’s rights in a country being torn apart by a civil war. Because if you ask […]

    August 21, 2019
  • story

    Dare to dream

    Even though ISIS’ army has now been defeated, hundreds of Yazidi women are still in temporary relief camps in northern Iraq. “I want to share my story with the rest of the world, because everyone should know what happened to us. I am not just a victim. I am a mother who wants to face the past, move forward, and create a future for myself and my children.”