• News

    The coronavirus pandemic has disrupted people’s lives socially and economically in a global challenge the likes of which we haven’t seen in decades. While many governments were swift to implement economic stimulus packages, lockdowns and curfews, marginalized groups such as LGBTIQ+ persons, women and sex workers found themselves at the margins of these responses and […]

    May 14, 2021
  • News

    “Decolonizing the development sector” started as a radical idea to rethink power structures in the social justice debate. It has now become an uncomfortable reality that many international NGOs and the philanthropy world have to grapple with. The term “decolonizing”, which also evokes historical struggles for independence,  calls for structural change in more than just […]

    April 7, 2021
  • opinion

    By Diana Monissen, Chair of Hivos’ Supervisory Council  The world’s social problems have increased significantly in the last several decades. It’s quite a litany when you think about it. Poverty, corruption, climate change, power imbalances, forced migration, shrinking civic space, human rights defenders under duress, and growing inequalities faced by marginalized groups. This is why […]

    March 23, 2021
  • blog

    What a time to celebrate open data day! The open data day finds itself uniquely placed this year. Not only is it International Women’s Day and Women’s history Month within March 2021, but the world is going through a pandemic where open data has been considered a major life saver. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed […]

    March 17, 2021
  • News

    Our Manifesto ‘’Womxn. We are more. We work more. We carry more. We achieve more. We stand for more. We feel more. We. Women.More. Why?, you ask. Simple, Because we womxn about it.’’ For years, Hivos East Africa has been an ally of gender equality, inclusion and diversity; challenging harmful stereotypes against womxn in society […]

    March 7, 2021
  • News

    Hivos welcomes the decision of US President Joe Biden to rescind the Mexico City Policy, commonly known as the Global Gag Rule (GGR). It banned international NGOs from accessing USD 8.8 billion in aid meant for the health sector, upon which millions of women globally depend for reproductive health goods and services. While this repeal […]

    January 29, 2021
  • blog

    Climate change is one of the greatest existential threats of our time today. For decades it has consistently destroyed the foundations of human civilization exposing the most vulnerable communities, which don’t have the power or the means to fully protect themselves from the destruction caused by global warming. Worse still, these devastating effects are fuelling […]

    January 26, 2021
  • News

    We find ourselves at a moment in time when the true extent of the challenges facing the world has been thrown into stark relief. To ensure Hivos remains well-equipped to address these challenges – together with our partners and allies – we have adopted a new strategic direction. In a nutshell, Hivos will bring more […]

    January 22, 2021
  • News

    By Sally Akinyi and Churchill Ongere As Ugandans headed to the polls yesterday, the country and the East African region at large was deeply worried by an election cycle marked by prolonged periods of protest, police brutality, and undue restrictions of civil liberties like free expression, association, and access to information. Close to one hundred […]

    January 15, 2021
  • blog

    Working towards diverse and inclusive workplaces By Andrew Maina and Sally Akinyi ‘’Our organization does not tolerate any form of discrimination based on age, sex, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity.’’ This is a statement that hangs on the boardroom walls of most organizations or appears in email signatures to externally position their stand on […]

    December 10, 2020
  • opinion

    With growing evidence suggesting that exposure to air pollution significantly increases the risk of being infected by (and dying of) COVID-19, access to clean cooking is more critical than ever. Emerging trends show that households are regressing by switching from clean (Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), electricity) to dirty cooking fuels (such as kerosene, firewood and […]

    December 10, 2020