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    The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) utilizes the Strategic Litigation approach to promote and advance human rights and the rule of law in Southern Africa. With Support from Hivos, through the Regional Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), SALC implemented a ‘Strategic litigation for social change for adolescent SRHR’ project.

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    This strategy is intended for developing Open Data Capacity (ODC) of selected Malawi Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) on the data supply side and selected Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on the demand side in the open data generation, packaging, access and use.

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    Hivos commissioned a study which sought to conduct an in-depth analysis of Covid-19 data in Malawi, which should provide disaggregated data as evidence base for response planning to Covid-19 by policy makers and other development partners.

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    It is this case study’s contention that SRHR of refugees are not prioritized for adequate integration in humanitarian planning and work. Because of this general failure to appropriately recog- nize refugees’ SRHR (SRHR), the existing challenges in broader society’s SRHR are exacerbated among vulnerable groups.

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    Informal markets play a critical role in providing affordable, accessible and diverse food for the urban poor, while at the same time supporting the livelihoods of millions of small-scale farmers, traders and vendors.

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    The Zambia Food Change Lab aims to create a collective understanding of Zambia’s current food system and challenges for the future.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had major health and economic impacts globally. Zambia has not been spared as the number of positive COVID-19 cases has continued to soar giving rise to uncertainties in all sectors of the economy.  The economic effects of the pandemic have been dire, owing to the global recession which has extended to Zambia as well. 
    The study explores the impact of COVID-19 on the food diversification agenda.