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    In this newsletter, you can read stories from the Women and Youth Inclusion for Equality program about increased participation of women and youth at all levels of political and civic life in Zimbabwe.

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    This edition of the Women & Youth Voices Newsletter celebrates the women and youth that we work with through our various programs. As we reflect on the 2023, with a focus on the elections held in August 2023 in Zimbabwe, it is clear that women and youth played a critical role in shaping the outcome.

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    Despite the challenges of 2022, we also saw positive developments. Hivos and its partners achieved successes in areas of gender equality and diversity, climate justice, and civic rights. A selection of these can be found in our Annual Report 2022.

    The annual accounts are also included in this report.

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    2023 is a decisive year in Zimbabwe – not only for Hivos’ work to empower women  – but this August Zimbabwe is holding its Harmonized Elections (parliamentary, provincial, local and presidential elections). It is a time that offers opportunities for women in politics to step up and be recognized as leaders. Stories from across the […]

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    Together with the National Arts Council of Zambia (NAC), Hivos organized a workshop to help creatives, artists and lobbyists think of new critical ideas for the sustainability of the arts in Zambia. Their views were also used in formulating Zambia’s National Arts Policy.

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    This case study examines how the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights has built and supported a grassroots sub-regional youth movement to enhance young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, including safe and legal abortion.

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    The case study is part of the Regional SRHR Fund’s documentation of case studies aimed at supporting cross learning and knowledge sharing to enable organizations conceptualize, design and coordinate adolescent SRHR advocacy. This initiative has been made possible with support from Sida through the Regional SRHR Fund.

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    This paper outlines why money should flow to the local level by showcasing good examples of locally led climate solutions. It provides examples of several existing mechanisms that have been designed to increase participation, transparency and accountability as potential vehicles to channel much needed resources to these kinds of solutions.

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    The purpose of this report is to expound on the benefits of adopting a Food Change Lab approach and share how this multi-sector stakeholder platform enabled us to attract and engage with various key stakeholders who are active players in the food system.