Hivos, HIV and human rights in key facts
* In 1991, Hivos was one of the first development organizations to respond to the HIV and AIDS pandemic.
* In 2000, Hivos and four Dutch development organizations founded STOP AIDS NOW!. Collectively we reached 400,000 people affected by HIV every year between 2001 and 2016.
* Hivos currently works with over 70 partners in 23 countries to advance the rights of people living with or at risk of HIV.
* We use a unique holistic approach and link our HIV work with many other Hivos programs.
* Women, Human Rights and HIV, a program implemented in collaboration with ICW Latina, received an A1 performance rating, the highest possible rating given by its donor, The Global Fund.

Our partners
Our work is not possible without the support of donors that share our conviction that Voice, Choice & Justice must be at the core of the international response to the HIV epidemic. We specifically want to thank The Global Fund, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Sida, and the Ford Foundation. We also want to acknowledge the heart warming support of thousands of individual givers who support our work.