Terms of Reference – Web Developer (EU SEE)

Region: Global
Office: Remote
Hours: 6 months/short term contract
Application deadline: July 29, 2024

Our organization is seeking a web developer to build a website that will serve as a platform for monitoring and displaying data related to civil liberties worldwide. Via the backend of the website, researchers will be able to submit regular updates on the state of civil society conditions in their respective countries. This data and information will then be displayed on the frontend of the website and intended for an audience of policymakers, civil society organizations and members of the media. We are open to both building the platform from scratch or leveraging existing software solutions.

About the program

The EU System for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society (EU SEE) is a six-year program that engages and supports civil society organizations across 86 countries where civic space is under pressure. The main components of the program are the EU SEE Monitoring Index, a civil society-led monitoring system designed to continuously assess the state of the enabling environment for civil society across all EU SEE partner countries and a comprehensive early warning mechanism. The early warning mechanism supports the anticipation and rapid response to emerging threats and opportunities by civil society and diplomatic actors.

Led by Hivos, the program is implemented by a global consortium of civic space and democracy support organizations and networks, including CIVICUS, Democracy Reporting International, the European Partnership for Democracy, Forus and Transparency International. The consortium collaborates closely with EU counterparts at Brussels and EU Delegation level, as well as EU Member States.


The selected web developer will be responsible for the following tasks:

Website Development:

  • Design and develop a data-driven website with robust data visualization capabilities.
  • Implement a user-friendly interface for data submission and display.
  • Ensure compatibility with various devices and browsers.
  • Ensure site is accessible across a range of languages (mixture of manual and automated translations).
  • Ensure site is searchable using a taxonomy and labeling system
  • Allow site users to subscribe to content and automatically receive newly published content in an automated manner.

Backend Development:

  • Create an intuitive backend for web management and editing.
  • Develop a submission form for country updates, intended for national researchers. Researchers will need to be able to save and edit their content via these forms on the backend of the site. The researchers will have reduced user permissions as web administrators.
  • Implement a uniform data submission process. The data submitted by researchers will need to be reviewed and edited by administrators before being published to the frontend of the site.
  • Create a notification system for when content is added to the site, administrators receive an alert to review the content.
    Store submitted data securely.

Data Methodology:

  • Preferably, develop algorithms or scripts to process and analyze data via the backend to be displayed on the frontend. If the applicant is unable to create an integrated solution between the backend and frontend, we will also consider proposals that require manual analysis – i.e. downloading the data to run algorithms and formulas offline.
  • Display data results in a meaningful and informative manner on the frontend. Again, we will consider applicants that propose either an integrated solution between the backend and the frontend, as well as proposals that require creating data visualizations with third party programs that can be embedded on the site.

Frontend Development:

  • Develop website layout.
  • Design and implement data visualisation components (see reference websites further down the TOR)
  • Ensure a clean and intuitive user experience.
  • Optimize website performance (for desktop and mobile)
  • Ensure Search Engine Optimisation.

Testing, Maintenance, Hosting and Security

  • Conduct thorough testing of all website features.
  • Address any bugs or issues promptly.
  • Provide ongoing maintenance and updates as needed.
  • Advising and implementing on a mixture of data security methods, including encryption, data siloing, masking of sensitive data, multi-factor authentication, data backups, etc.
  • Hosting of the website (optional, please include in proposal if you offer this service).

Background on project data architecture and data flows:

Step 1: Design Data Submission Form

Lead: Project Consortium

Activity: Design a data submission form with systematic questions for national researchers. Currently done via online forms, this process will need to be incorporated into the backend of the site.

Step 2: Fill Out Submission Form

Lead: National focal points

Activity: 86 national researchers fill out the submission form via the backend. Researchers should be able to save and edit their entries. Existing data collected before platform development will be migrated to the backend.

Step 3: Review, Edit and Approve

Lead: Project Consortium

Activity: Review submissions from national focal points. Add supplementary information, including tags and labels.

Step 4: Store submission in database

Lead: Project Consortium

Activity: Store approved data in the backend global database.

Step 5: Draft/Private Data Visualizations:

Lead: Project Consortium

Activity: Preview country content and data visualizations in draft/private format.

Step 6: Publish Data Visualizations

Lead: Project Consortium

Activity: Publish country content and data visualizations on the public site.

Additional Points:

  • Data collection has already begun using online surveys. These surveys/forms will be incorporated into the backend, and project researchers will need appropriate access levels.
  • The site will leverage a taxonomy for data parsing and content labeling, available on both the frontend and backend.


  • Proven experience in web development, including frontend and backend technologies.
  • Proven programming experience, with at least one of the following: Python, Ruby, Javascript, R.
  • Familiarity with data visualization libraries and methodologies.
  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
  • Excellent communication and collaboration abilities.


  • Fully functional website with the specified features.
  • Backend system for research partners to submit data.
  • Data processing methodology documentation.
  • Regular updates and maintenance.

Reference websites:


The project is expected to be completed within 6 months.

Application Process:

Interested candidates should submit the following:

  • Portfolio showcasing previous web development projects (including references).
  • Description of the team members, roles and responsibilities.
  • A detailed total budget proposal, referencing work packages and activities.

Want to apply?

Please submit a cover letter (maximum 1 page) and CV (maximum 2 pages) by 29 July, 2024, by clicking on the ‘Apply here’ button. Should you be applying as an organization, then please submit all CV’s of your team in one PDF.



(Apply at https://hivos.bamboohr.com/careers/269)

Candidates will be evaluated based on their qualifications, experience, and ability to meet project requirements. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. If you have any questions about the role, please contact Bram van Kersbergen, bkersbergen@hivos.org

Candidates are highly encouraged to provide a clear track record in their CV and description in cover letter that matches the requirements of the position elaborated above.

If you are selected for the final stage of the selection process, please note that professional references and a certificate of conduct (VOG) will be requested due to our Safeguarding Policy. Exceptions will only be made, if there is a local legislation prohibition or when the candidate is unable to obtain such a certificate due to activities on LGTBIQ+ and Human Rights. We may check social media – unless applicants state they do not wish us to do so. Accuracy of information in the curriculum vitae will also be checked.

Hivos reserves the right to close the position before the application deadline if a suitable candidate is identified. Therefore, interested candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible.

About Hivos

Hivos is an international development organization guided by humanist values. Together with citizens and their organizations, we aim to contribute towards just, inclusive and life sustaining societies where people have equal access to opportunities, rights and resources. We work in partnership with others in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America on three impact areas: Civic Rights in a Digital AgeGender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The Middle East and North Africa program of Hivos contributes to political and societal processes that aim at societal transformation to pluralist and democratic societies with respect for human rights and equal opportunities for all citizens. It collaborates with a variety of stakeholders including citizen activists and civil society organizations both in the region and in the diaspora to promote respect for fundamental freedoms and enhance the space for citizen participation.