Hivos website

SO/GIE/SC Training

Hivos seeks creative solutions to persistent global problems
Photo: Damian Reyes

On this page you will find the training on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SO/GIE/SC). Developed by Hivos with the support of many others, its purpose is to increase understanding of issues related to SO/GIE/SC.

Before you download the SO/GIE/SC training materials, we would like you to fill out this short form so we can keep track of how these materials are being used. We will follow-up with some questions to help us further develop and improve them.

Please note that these materials are published under a Creative Commons License. If you use our materials for a not-for-profit organization, you may do so free of charge. If you plan to use the training materials for commercial purposes, we kindly ask you to inform us beforehand, through this form or through email.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about or feedback on the training. We can also help you find a trainer, if needed. You can reach us at

Please fill out the form here below:

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