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    With ever-lowering barriers of access to technology, and thanks to consistent wins in advocating for governmental and corporate data disclosure, investigative journalists and transparency activists have at their disposal a wealth of sources and tools to uncover corruption and advocate for accountability. In recent years, there have been efforts to create guides, tutorials, repositories and online learning tools, with the goal to simplify the process of finding the right tool for the job, and the right dataset for analysis. However, the availability of these platforms didn’t always guarantee the expected outcome of a more skilled, evidence-driven civil society. While there are shining examples of activists and journalists across the globe effectively analysing the available data (and advocating for more data openness) in order to combat corruption and demand accountability, they still don’t represent a default state — many organisations whose work would be greatly simplified with stronger data skills still struggle to integrate data and technology in their day-to-day work.

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    Haguruka NGO in partnership with the Hivos Foundation conducted this research on the enforcement of labor law and working conditions of women in Rwandan horticulture sector. The overall objective of this study was to investigate, document and highlight to what extent the rights established under Rwandan labor law and working conditions of women in Rwandan horticulture sector are enforced.

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    Mythbusting Confidentiality in Public Contracting August 20, 2018 Originally published here. Transparency and openness around this spending can help improve the competitiveness, integrity and efficiency of the contracting process. Concern about confidentiality of information in the contracts obscures vital details from the public, challenges better decision-making and monitoring of the procurement process and public spending. […]

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    id=”384″ id=”post-977″ class=”wp-post-content-block ” itemscope itemtype=”http://schema.org/BlogPosting” itemprop=”blogPost”> Lebanese Women in Political Parties: Some Facts and Figures August 7, 2018 Download

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    To speed up the uptake of decentralised renewable energy the Brooklyn Coalition is leading frontrunner solutions for achieving universal energy access. We are committed to ensure that social and economic development includes communities with the greatest energy needs and want to share our best practices from the field in this 2-pager.To speed up the uptake […]

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    This policy brief on Energy Sector Transformation: Decentralized Renewable Energy for Universal Energy Access, is prepared as inputus for the UN High Level Political Forum SDG7 review. Hivos contributed to drafting this policy brief.