• News

    International Rural Women’s Day is often overlooked, but not by our Women Empowerment group and partners in Zimbabwe. Hivos joined partners Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) and General Agriculture and Plantation Workers Union of Zimbabwe (Gapwuz) in an event last October to honor women in the Hwedza rural community. The first International Day of […]

    November 8, 2023
  • News

    By Shamiso Mahomva, Project Officer, African Crossroads, Hivos Southern Africa Hosted and organized by Hivos, African Crossroads is a community of future-oriented African thinkers and doers. Since 2018 – when the African Crossroads program was launched – we have gathered every year to explore different themes that reflect the opportunities and challenges that our continent […]

    October 30, 2023
  • opinion

    By Nana Zulu, Regional Director, Hivos Southern Africa Zimbabwean women, who make up more than half of the electorate, have long been struggling to secure a foothold in the political arena. This situation persists despite a supportive legal and policy framework. Section 56 of the Zimbabwean Constitution protects the right of every woman to vote […]

    October 4, 2023
  • blog

    By Rutendo Singadi, Communications Intern, Hivos Southern Africa In a world ridden with conflict and discord, International Day of Peace serves as a powerful reminder of our hope for harmony and a peaceful world. Every year on September 21, the world connects in celebration and reflection on the importance of fostering peace – both within […]

    September 21, 2023
  • call

    Hivos Southern Africa is looking for proposals for the Urban Futures program to support the inception phase and the overall project Implementation. This project will be implemented in two cities in each country, in Zimbabwe (Bulawayo and Mutare) and Zambia (Chongwe and Kitwe).

  • News

    Zimbabwe’s local, provincial, parliamentary and presidential elections are on August 23. Unfortunately, it has become even more difficult for women to hold political office than in the last elections in 2018. “The economic crisis in our country hits them much harder than men,” says Nana Zulu, regional director of Hivos in Southern Africa. “So it […]

    August 14, 2023
  • News

    In April this year, our Regional Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Fund established the Youth Advisory Panel to ensure youth voices, participation and leadership are included in all decision-making aspects of the program. Youth below the age of 30 years from Malawi, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe were invited to join the panel. This […]

    August 11, 2023
  • blog

    International Youth Day 2023 (#IYD2023) serves as a powerful reminder of the fundamental role that young people play in shaping our shared future. Their voices bring energy and radiate a positive outlook on the future we seek to live. It bodes well to place them in key positions in society to be able to present […]

    August 10, 2023
  • News

    Hivos’ new global initiative, Urban Futures, supports youth in ten cities in five countries with constructing sustainable and resilient urban food systems. Besides Bandung, Medellin, Chongwe, Bulawayo, and a city region in Ecuador – the Association of Municipalities of the Northern Pacific Coast in Manabí, we can now present the second series of five cities: […]

    August 8, 2023
  • blog

    By Mangiza Chongo Chirwa, Healthy Food Africa Project Manager Zambia is facing a serious challenge of malnutrition. According to the latest data, the country suffers from a triple burden of malnutrition: under-nutrition, over-nutrition and micro-nutrient deficiencies. This not only affects the health, well-being and productivity of millions of Zambians, but it’s also keeping the country […]

    July 25, 2023