• story

    In the arid landscapes of southern Tunisia, farmers are waging a largely overlooked battle with rising temperatures, soil salinization, and increasing water scarcity. But they are adapting their practices to withstand the impacts of climate change. Working with local and international research centers in places like Sfax and Borj Cedria, they seek solutions to these […]

  • vacancy

    Hivos is implementing a two-year project with the aim of increasing the resilience of organizations through equipping them with legal tools, safety mechanisms and evidence-based advocacy messages to strengthen civic space in Tunisia. The Program Coordinator will oversee the implementation of this project.

  • call

    Vous êtes un-e entrepreneur-se ou porteur-se d’idée basé-e dans l’un des gouvernorats du Grand Tunis et voulant lancer ou ayant un projet dans des activités en agriculture ou agroalimentaire ou services connexes, dans ces gouvernorats cibles? Vous êtes âgé-e entre 18 et 65 ans? Vous êtes sensible aux questions de l’Entrepreneuriat, de l’économie circulaire? Rejoignez-nous dans notre engagement en faveur du développement d’un système d’alimentation urbain et sain. Transformez vos ambitions entrepreneuriales en succès!

  • vacancy

    Are you passionate about a just Green Transition which is inclusive of local marginalized communities? Are you driven by a desire to contribute to private sector development in North Africa? Hivos is looking for a Program Manager Green Entrepreneurship Portfolio.

  • call

    Hivos is looking for an M&E expert consultant to support with M&E reporting and deliver capacity building for project implementing team.

  • News

    Should climate transition policies prioritize environmental goals or social ones? How about both? Our GreenWorks program, funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, showed it’s possible.

    July 22, 2024
  • blog

    We’re in middle of organizing the Green Growth Summit. A regional event in Tunis and Cairo that will build partnerships for climate change mitigation and open green economic pathways in North Africa. Imen Boudali sat down with Noha El Sebaie, Program Manager for Hivos’ Green Entrepreneurship and Employability programs in the MENA region. What does […]

    May 8, 2024