• opinion

    By Sally Akinyi, Virginia Munyua Up to 25 million jobs could be lost worldwide at the heart of the Covid-19 crisis–is – a latest profound statistic from the ILO in these unprecedented times. In the last couple of weeks or so, countries have put on a tough resolve to control the spread of the pandemic. […]

    March 24, 2020
  • opinion

    As COVID-19 unfolds and drastically affects all aspects of our lives, it has brought to light longstanding problems in global supply chains. Low wages, reliance on casual labor, gender inequality, and a lack of social protection make people at the beginning of supply chains suffer the most. Now is the time to demonstrate global solidarity […]

    March 24, 2020
  • News

    Cordaid and Hivos launch a new report about the resilience of civic actors In the new report Making civic space resilient, Cordaid and Hivos investigate how people around the world deal with the oppression of their desires and hopes, and how they are able to restore human dignity after it has been violated. Repression of […]

    March 24, 2020
  • News

    The world has changed dramatically in just a few months, and everyone has had to change along with it. Hivos always strives to continue to do our work through thick and thin, but we, too, are making adjustments. In view of the recent outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID19) in Kenya, the Kenyan government has issued […]

    March 18, 2020
  • blog

    By Imungu Kalevera When the women of the world gathered in Beijing in 1995 they had one goal, to create a revolutionary document that would guide the fight towards gender equality for women all over the world. The Beijing Platform for Action remains, as intended, one of the single most revolutionary documents for women’s rights […]

    March 16, 2020
  • News

    By Winifred Nambuusi Hivos together with Food Rights Alliance on March 6 held a dinner under the theme Let’s talk Nutrition with the aim of recognizing the role women play in the food system. The Chief Guest H.E Rhoda Tumusiime, former Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture at the African Union Commission as well as […]

    March 16, 2020
  • News

    As Kenya prepares to host the 6th International Open Data Conference later this year Jackline Kagume who heads the programme on Constitution, Law and the Economy (CLE) at the Institute of Economic Affairs was keen to share with Hivos East Africa’s Sarah Nyakio  insights regarding the current state of public procurement in Kenya. Jackline who […]

    March 12, 2020
  • News

    ”Women… phonetically pronounced as We-men, Are hidden in annals of history as part of his-story. What about her-story… Voice rightsholders – Indigenous women, Young women, Elderly Women, Women with disability and Queer women, Often their voices muted but their inner voice screaming “I want to seat at the table…I would like to decide, to influence […]

    March 11, 2020
  • News

    The year 2020 kicks off a decade of action for Wilkitsa Akinyi, a renewable energy specialist who advocates for clean cooking solutions every day in her job. Wilkitsa always knew she wanted to contribute towards sustainable development. Then she discovered the critical role that access to energy plays in nearly all sectors of the economy. […]

    March 6, 2020
  • News

    Growing up, Nelly Nyiha was always fascinated by technology and the digital world. In high school, she followed a tech curriculum called Science, Technology and Mathematics (STEM) and has never looked back. At university, Nelly pursued a Bachelor of Science in computer technology, which she says was a male-dominated course. “I was among a small group […]

    March 6, 2020
  • News

    Trying to balance a career with family and household responsibilities is a challenge that women continuously grapple with in an ever-changing world. But Celine Magneche Sika, a scholar and founder of Association de Femmes et Familles du Milieu Rural (AFFAMIR) in Cameroon, passionately took advantage of these challenge. She used them to both advance her […]

    March 6, 2020