Mini-Series Drama
Twaweza Communications wants to develop an eight-part miniseries on leadership and integrity that will challenge viewers to expect and demand more integrity from their leaders. The series will explore how the protagonists respond to the moral dilemmas of life and which choices allow them to eventually achieve their goals. The different storylines will be linked but will develop separately, covering various values such as personal responsibility and accountability. Twaweza hopes that posting its digital broadcasts online will help it to reach a broader audience, thanks to the increased availability of smartphones, personal computers and TVs. Under their supervision, Twaweza Communications is supporting the youth start-up Kick Productions and plans to involve it in the audio-visual production of the miniseries.
Established in 2000, Twaweza Communications Limited is an arts, culture and media organisation based in Nairobi. The group focuses on public policy, media and culture for sustainable development in order to increase public knowledge and action within the Eastern African region. Twaweza aims to enhance citizens’ wellbeing through media sensitisation programmes, training, and sharing experiences and thematic publications. The organisation believes this will create a world where everyone has access to quality information and education on matters that affect their lives, regardless of religion, race, age or gender. Twaweza Communications uses technology for intercultural dialogue and enhancing peaceful coexistence.