Publication Hivos draft Annual Report 2019

July 31, 2020

Hereby Hivos presents its Draft Annual Report over 2019. In addition to the programmatic highlights, the report also contains the provisional annual accounts.

The definitive annual report 2019 unfortunately has not yet been finalized. The improvements in our financial administration that started last year were largely realized in the first half of 2020, but the data migration still requires considerable attention, including the harmonization of the use of two different systems in the 2019 financial year.

Since March, the Covid-19 crisis has also contributed to this slowdown, due to both lock-downs in our regional offices and a number of tightened requirements of the auditors on a ‘going concern’ statement to be issued. As a result, the audit by our external accountancy firm Deloitte is still in progress and the annual accounts are now scheduled to be signed in September 2020.

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