Introducing our partners in Guatemala
Following our introduction of our infomediary partners in Indonesia and the Philippines last quarter, in this edition we would like to introduce the organisations working to make open contracting a reality in Guatemala. Their projects in the construction, media, and public health sectors are bringing social and economic value.
Making the construction sector more open and transparent
The Construction Sector Transparency Initiative (CoST) is an international initiative whose main objective is to increase transparency and accountability in the planning, execution and implementation of construction projects, through the disclosure of the CoST Data Standard. CoST Guatemala will design a single portal to access, monitor and control information on public works, with the participation of civil society.
Increasing access to, and affordability of, medicines
The ITPC is a global coalition of people with HIV and supportive individuals and entities who are dedicated to ensuring access to quality treatment, care and prevention services. In Guatemala, they are implementing a programme to eliminate legal barriers to the purchase of quality and affordable antiretroviral medicines.
Using media platforms to hold governments accountable
Plaza Pública is an online platform that advocates for human rights, democracy and the search for truth. They are now developing the Labyrinth of Power, a platform to map networks of power in Guatemala and Central America. This tool will allow for a more rapid and intuitive understanding of power flows and the linkages between different interest groups.
Laboratorio de Medios is a company founded by journalists that promotes the training of reporters, media development, advises public relations offices or institutional communication and develops communication strategies. Their project,, inspects how local governments use municipal funds and fosters citizen participation.
Partners from our other focus country in Latin America, Bolivia, will be selected in 2018.
To find more information on all of our partners, please see our partner page.