More than 50 organizations from 15 Latin American countries give life to Facción, an independent communication network supported by Hivos. Facción reports on events that mainstream media mostly do not cover. The government repression of Mexican teachers, the violence against women promoted by Bolivian television and the protest against the imprisonment of women who have abortions in El Salvador are just some examples of the variety of issues covered by the young media activists who belong to Facción.
Facción promotes alternative communication practices to expand and diversify the information available on topical issues. Facción wants to strengthen activist movements and the processes of social transformation throughout the region, promoting alternative and independent sources of information.
Facción is sustained by the participation and collaboration of its members, who share all their information on
Activists, artists, broadcasters, bloggers, filmmakers, communicators, cultural managers, developers of open source technology and representatives of social movements in Latin America are gathered under the Facción umbrella, which guarantees them the necessary freedom to work unhindered by censorship or the influence of vested interests.
Diverse, high-quality and independent media are crucial for the development of a democratic society. Hivos fosters a diverse and thriving media landscape by consolidating alternative media, improving the quality and independence of news reporting and ensuring that the media do not only hold others to account, but themselves as well.