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    This reflection paper describes the experiences of the Citizen Agency Consortium with implementing a large multi-country evaluation of four programs. It takes stock of what worked and what didn’t work when evaluating the outcomes of a diverse set of lobby and advocacy strategies and activities.

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    We find ourselves at a moment in time when the true extent of the challenges facing the world has been thrown into stark relief. To ensure Hivos remains well-equipped to address these challenges – together with our partners and allies – we have adopted a new strategic direction.

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    The largest coffee companies in the world are failing to report transparently on their 2020 commitments, and doing too little to ensure sustainability for farming and farmers.

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    Outcome harvesting (OH) is a methodology that is designed for use in complex situations where the relationship between cause and effect is not fully understood or is unclear and/or where many different actors influence change.

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    In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, Cordaid and Hivos consulted their partners to take stock of the different ways the pandemic – and government measures to fight it – have affected civil society organizations (CSOs).

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    This summit report features noteworthy lessons, insights and key dilemma’s from the evaluation process of the Strategic Partnership Citizen Agency Consortium.

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    Hivos and IIED launched a new paper that calls upon governments to adopt crisis mitigation measures that are truly green and inclusive.

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    Based on learnings from the Sustainable Diets for All (SD4All) program, we have identified a number of recommendations for policy, action and research on food systems and climate change.

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    Creative hubs play a vital role in supporting the self-sufficiency and independence of makers of cultural and media productions. As ‘convenors of creatives,’ hubs serve local communities and connect creative practitioners.

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    ‘New Voices of the Amazon’ is the product of long conversations with Indigenous young people who opened their hearts to us and shared their plans, concerns, and hopes.

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    In Making civic space resilient, Cordaid and Hivos investigate how people around the world deal with the oppression of their desires and hopes, and how they are able to restore human dignity after it has been violated.