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    2023 is a decisive year in Zimbabwe – not only for Hivos’ work to empower women  – but this August Zimbabwe is holding its Harmonized Elections (parliamentary, provincial, local and presidential elections). It is a time that offers opportunities for women in politics to step up and be recognized as leaders. Stories from across the […]

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    The young women of We Lead’s Community of Action (CoA) in Guatemala decided to tell their stories through portraits of their bodies in the booklet “We Decide, We Resist, and We Exist. From Radical Tenderness”. This strong stance calls attention to the various specific demands of these women rightsholders.

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    The publication Reclaimed Lands explores four scenarios about the future of just green transitions in Africa.

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    In Hivos’ 2021 Annual Report, we reflect on a year that demonstrated that the Covid-19 pandemic was much more than a health crisis.

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    Together with the National Arts Council of Zambia (NAC), Hivos organized a workshop to help creatives, artists and lobbyists think of new critical ideas for the sustainability of the arts in Zambia. Their views were also used in formulating Zambia’s National Arts Policy.

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    This case study examines how the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights has built and supported a grassroots sub-regional youth movement to enhance young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health services and information, including safe and legal abortion.

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    Vertical Atlas is a tool that explores our current universe of digital transformations through diagrams, interviews, essays and works of art by a diverse group of renowned artists, writers, scientists and technologists.

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    The case study is part of the Regional SRHR Fund’s documentation of case studies aimed at supporting cross learning and knowledge sharing to enable organizations conceptualize, design and coordinate adolescent SRHR advocacy. This initiative has been made possible with support from Sida through the Regional SRHR Fund.

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    With this Feasibility Study, Hivos aims to better understand if creating a new program inspired by R.O.O.M. is feasible and strategic. The program would be designed to support the Freedom of Expression in Latin America in four countries – Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, and Guatemala – with a special focus on gender and inclusivity of women, Afro-descendant makers and creatives from indigenous populations.