Commissioned by the DSO-MO Department within the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch Consultancy MDF conducted a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of Voice, covering the start of the program in April 2016 up to September 2018.
Carried out between September 2018 and February 2019, the MTR had the following objectives:
● To assess the way inclusion of the most marginalized and discriminated groups has been addressed and how their participation has been guaranteed;
● To identify the effectiveness and innovativeness of the different methods and instruments used to reach and empower the most marginalized and discriminated groups;
● To define what the added value of the program is;
The report covers the responses to the above-mentioned questions which resulted in an invitation from Dutch MOFA to submit an extension proposal.
Voice, an innovative grant facility consortium led by Oxfam Novib and Hivos, supports marginalized or discriminated rightsholders and groups in their efforts to demand more responsive and inclusive societies.