Ebook “Virtual Meetings of COICA youths”

Between May and June 2020, the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA) and Hivos, organized the virtual meetings of COICA youths, with the aim of promoting a more active participation of the Indigenous youth in the organizational structure of Indigenous peoples.

In this space, young Indigenous people from the 9 countries of the Amazon basin (Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Surinam and Venezuela), debated, analyzed and shared experiences on four thematic axes:

1) identity and territory
2) ancestral knowledge and knowledge
3) intercultural education
4) youth and organizational politics.

The contributions of the participating youth have been systematized and after an arduous work of revision, editing and translation, the Ebook “Virtual Meetings of COICA youths” was drafted in Spanish, Portuguese, English and French; collecting the problems, realities, proposals and demands expressed by the Amazonian Indigenous youths, summing the leaders, politicians, organizations and allies to join forces to crystalize the dreams of the youths.

Ebook “Virtual Meetings of COICA youths”

  • Type: pdf
  • Size: 55,34 MB