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Discussing popular gender-related claims on Facebook
By Shara Jazzar
As part of part of Abshiri+ project implemented in cooperation with Hivos and funding from the Dutch MFA, Drabzeen has launched a series of five Tuesday Debates that take place on Facebook, in order to discuss controversial topics linked to popular beliefs related to the role of women in the Jordanian society.
The debates’ topics focused on the following widespread claims: men’s physical structure enhances their leadership roles; women’s entry to the labor market reduces men’s work opportunities; economic revival is linked to providing opportunities for women; economic revival is linked to providing opportunities for women without discrimination by gender; societal stereotypes of women’s roles give men power over women.
Diverse and contradictory opinions were shared on the topics, as some participants supported those claims while others strongly opposed them. This led to a better understanding of the train of thoughts of the different mentalities that constitute the Jordanian society and is valuable for future work on changing these traditional perceptions of gender roles.
To watch the debates, please click on the below link: