• News

    With this ToR Hivos is seeking a consultant to provide simultaneous interpretation and written English-French translation services over an extended duration for the Community Media Fund Project for a duration of one year. 1. The assignment The Community Media Fund (CMF) is a project by the Bloomberg Media Initiative In Africa (BMIA) whose grant is […]

    January 19, 2023
  • call

    Hivos is looking to recruit on a short-term basis, an external international team of consultants to undertake the mid-term review of the Free to Be Me program (2021-2025), executed under the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Power of Voices- Strengthening Civil Society grant instrument.

  • News

    Hivos strongly condemns the assault on Brazil’s democratic institutions and sacking of its government buildings on January 8, 2023, by thousands of Bolsonaro supporters who refused to accept the outcome of the October 2022 presidential elections. Both rounds of voting were held peacefully in a legally instituted process and supervised by more than a hundred […]

    January 11, 2023
  • News

    Together with the National Arts Council of Zambia (NAC), Hivos organized a workshop to help creatives, artists and lobbyists think of new critical ideas for the sustainability of the arts in Zambia. Their views were also used in formulating Zambia’s National Arts Policy. The workshop fell under Zambia’s Creative Industries Recovery Strategy (CIRS) and was […]

    January 10, 2023
  • News

    With funding from the European Union, Hivos is implementing a three-year project titled ‘Voices and Actions for Accountability in Malawi’ (VAAM). Contract title: VAAM End-line Evaluation Terms of Reference: Please find all information, including work plan, timeline and deliverables in the ToR. Location: Lilongwe, Malawi Organization: Hivos Email: sa-hub@hivos.org Deadline: January 19, 2023 The overall […]

    January 10, 2023
  • News

    The African Crossroads gathering returned this year with an engaging two-day event held in Harare, Zimbabwe. While many participants were able to attend in-person, an even larger part of the audience from across Africa connected online. African Crossroads is a community of future-oriented African thinkers and doers that meets once a year. The Crossroad’s gatherings […]

    December 19, 2022
  • News

    On the eve of Human Rights Day, ABN AMRO hosted its 8th International Human Rights Conference in Amsterdam. The event was dedicated to “A Just Transition” and the role that companies and financial institutions should play in ensuring that a future zero-carbon world is also a fair and inclusive one. Hivos CEO Anne Jellema joined […]

    December 14, 2022