• News

    This November in The Hague, a vibrant community dedicated to positive change celebrated LEAD II’s closure at an event that brought together program partners to share achievements and lessons learned. The first phase of Local Employment for Development in Africa (LEAD) was initiated in 2015 by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Its aim was […]

    December 5, 2023
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    With two new projects, launched during COP 28, Hivos will work together with two specific groups that are disproportionally affected by the climate crisis: girls and Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon.

    December 5, 2023
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    Climatechange is one of the greatest health challenges of our time. It destabilizes health systems, deepens inequities and threatens the lives, health, and wellbeing of communities around the world.

    November 30, 2023
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    For long, climate change response processes and strategies in Kenya have not included active, targeted participation and/or contribution of Indigenous people, local communities, and fisher folks. However, this all changed when Marsabit County launched its first community-led and -centered climate change action plan in Loiyangalani, home to the El Molo community. The Action Plan (2023-2027) […]

    November 28, 2023
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    A bill currently under parliamentary review in Ghana is set to “protect” family values. However, its real objective is to criminalize same-sex relations and identifying as LGBTIQ+, prohibit advocacy for LGBTIQ+ rights, allyship, donor support, and ban transgender healthcare. Adisa Musah (he/him) is our Free to be Me program’s Community of Action (CoA) facilitator in […]

    November 16, 2023
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    Last September’s African Climate Summit, where African leaders gathered to decide on collective positions ahead of COP28 in Dubai, proved a disappointment in several important ways. The summit’s declaration just made a cursory mention of women, youth and Indigenous communities, while ignoring the elephants in the room – oil and gas – where most new […]

    November 14, 2023
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    The United Nations COP28 climate summit starts at the end of the month in Dubai and is expected to be about one thing in particular: Loss and Damage. But what does this mean? And how can it be used to achieve climate justice? Find out in this Hivos explainer.

    November 10, 2023
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    International Rural Women’s Day is often overlooked, but not by our Women Empowerment group and partners in Zimbabwe. Hivos joined partners Institute for Young Women Development (IYWD) and General Agriculture and Plantation Workers Union of Zimbabwe (Gapwuz) in an event last October to honor women in the Hwedza rural community. The first International Day of […]

    November 8, 2023
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    To ensure adequate sexual and reproductive health (SRH) care and services for all, it is crucial that healthcare workers address the needs of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or sex characteristics. The Initiative for Gender Equality and Sexual Reproductive Health (IGE-SRH) in Nigeria, a partner in our Free to […]

    November 3, 2023
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    Last month Hivos and its Voices for Just Climate Action (VCA) partners organized a climate festival in São Luís do Maranhão, bordering the Amazon rainforest. Over a hundred people gathered to discuss climate justice, inclusive climate policy, and how art can be used for climate activism. Alongside panel discussions, the festival hosted a variety of […]

    November 2, 2023
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    By Shamiso Mahomva, Project Officer, African Crossroads, Hivos Southern Africa Hosted and organized by Hivos, African Crossroads is a community of future-oriented African thinkers and doers. Since 2018 – when the African Crossroads program was launched – we have gathered every year to explore different themes that reflect the opportunities and challenges that our continent […]

    October 30, 2023
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    Hivos proudly presents the the first-ever Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) Community Festival taking place on the 31st of October, ahead of the ‘Shaping Feminist Foreign Policy’ conference hosted by the Dutch government. Together with other members and initiator WO=MEN, we will organize and host different sessions around the Feminist Foreign Policy to reflect, learn and […]

    October 26, 2023