• blog

    By Gabriela Melgar, Regional Communication Officer Our Sustainable Agriculture Support Project (PAAS) implemented with partners in eleven provinces and 22 municipalities has played a crucial role in Cuba for the past 10 years. Financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), it promotes and improves sustainable agricultural practices and strategies, focusing on agroecological […]

    February 13, 2024
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    Imagine you didn’t have control over what you want to do with your life and body. Like how many kids you want to have – if at all. Or imagine that a doctor refused to treat you because of who you are. For many girls and women, this is their daily reality. They face harassment, […]

    February 7, 2024
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    In the fight for an inclusive society, misinformation and ignorance are powerful weapons in the hands of intolerant forces. Widespread negative stereotypes about LGBTIQ+ people normalize discrimination, and even justify violence. Hivos has several programs that tackle this, among them Free to be Me. Besides supporting LGBTIQ+ people and organizations directly, the program also works […]

    February 2, 2024
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    How do you strengthen the role of women in their communities and provide access to economic opportunities? In Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras the answer lies in renewable energy. The position of Indigenous women For Indigenous women in Central America, life is anything but easy. The violence they face increases by the day. The figures […]

    February 1, 2024
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    We stand by courageous activists working for sexual and gender diversity all over the world. But their work can be dangerous. They risk being threatened and attacked – even murdered – every day. Thanks to our donors, we were able to support their important work in 2023. Take for example, the EMPODERA (’empower’) school for […]

    January 29, 2024
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    By Saira Ortega, Hivos Latin America Program Manager, and Gabriela Melgar, Regional Communication Officer Bernardo Arévalo took office as Guatemala’s new president in the early hours of Monday, January 15, 2024. This followed months of judicial machinations by his political opponents to block him from office after his vow to clamp down on corruption. This, […]

    January 23, 2024
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    Last November and December, Hivos Southern Africa’s women’s empowerment team sprinted toward the 2023 finish line in culmination of our women’s rights advocacy efforts for the year.  Through initiatives with our partners – like observing the UN’s #16DaysofActivism campaign and Human Rights Day, among others – we reaffirmed our mission to empower marginalized women, girls […]

    January 18, 2024
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    Strengthening media is one of the key ways through which we can push for societal change. Media can increase citizen engagement by exposing people to factual information and ideas for change. This, in turn, allows people to drive and shape the political system and their own development. Hivos believes freedom of expression – which media […]

    December 19, 2023
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    Based in Tunis, Adel Azouni has been passionate about social and environmental activism since the 2011 Tunisian revolution. In 2022, UNDP Climate included him among their five young leaders from the Arab world who give us hope for tackling climate change. Recently, he was nominated by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability to be an […]

    December 12, 2023
  • blog

    By Luckmore Jalasi, Global Capacity Strengthening Officer, Free to be Me It’s 9 AM on a hot summer day in Lusaka, Zambia, and Simalumba, a pro bono lawyer, is visiting a client named Suzyo who has been incarcerated for over a year without trial. Suzyo is being held under Namibia’s colonial-era sodomy laws. Suspecting him, […]

    December 7, 2023
  • News

    Last November, Cairo hosted the second edition of the Venture Capital Summit, a pivotal event in Egypt. The summit’s goal is to enhance Egypt’s standing as a regional hub for venture capital and a gateway for investments into Africa and the Middle East, fostering collaboration between foreign investors and regional VC funds. This year’s edition […]

    December 6, 2023