• News

    Magi Matinga, Technical Advisor at ENERGIA, explains how ENERGIA has contributed to the inclusion of a gender perspective in policies, projects and programs at national and international level by: Providing research evidence and sex-disaggregated data for use by policy- and decision makers on women’s and men’s energy needs and consumption patterns. Advocating for women’s recognition […]

    October 4, 2021
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    What do we mean by gender and how does this relate to energy? What do we mean by gender perspective? Magi Matinga, Techincal Advisor at ENERGIA, guides us through these aspects, highlighting how women and men have different energy needs and how taking or not into account this diversity could influence their life, perpetuate gender […]

    October 4, 2021
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    Today, the 28th of September, we celebrate the International Day of Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. What started as a regional campaign in Latin America, has grown into a worldwide movement for the rights to make decisions about one’s own body and to access basic health care. We sat down with Lucy Minayo, Program […]

    September 28, 2021
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    Today, a coalition, initiated by ENERGIA,  Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and supported by the Governments of  Iceland, Ecuador, Nepal, Kenya and Sweden launched a Gender and Energy Compact to catalyze action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment to accelerate a just, inclusive and […]

    September 22, 2021
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    Hivos, through its Resource of Open Minds (R.O.O.M.) program, has been enabling a new generation of artists to produce critical cultural content on the African continent.

    September 20, 2021
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    We are at a turning point. As everybody knows the Amazon is threatened by deforestation, climate change and constant violations of human and territorial rights. But we need new strategies to counter these threats. That is why scientists, policymakers, activists, youth, investors, ecological restorers, Indigenous peoples, private and public organizations, the media, and other global […]

    September 16, 2021
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    Local communities should be involved in influencing decision-making at the local level and up the chain to the global level. This is especially true for Africa’s communities, who are least responsible for climate change, but suffering most from climate impact. Hivos will be accelerating this debate and much more on 26 September 2021 from 17:00-18:00hrs […]

    September 14, 2021
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    In its 25 years of existence, gender mainstreaming in energy policies, institutions, programs and projects has been and still is an important part of ENERGIA’s work. But what is gender mainstreaming in the energy sector exactly? In short, gender mainstreaming is a tool or a process to correct the imbalance between women and men in […]

    September 13, 2021
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    What prompted a group of experts to build a network at the nexus of gender and energy? How did gender approaches change the energy sector? Prof Joy Clancy, one of the founding members of ENERGIA, looks at our work over the past 25 years, discussing the main accomplishments in terms of research, gender mainstreaming, advocacy […]

    September 10, 2021
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    With support from Hivos, through the Regional SRHR Fund, SAYWHAT set out to improve access to adolescent SRHR services and commodities among students and young people in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

    August 27, 2021
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    Climate change and the rise of the fourth industrial revolution in the last decade have ignited a shift in priorities worldwide, from changes in lifestyle and consumer choices to digitalization of work and primary services. While the rise of automation has made many jobs redundant, and certain employees replaceable, efforts to combat climate change have […]

    August 26, 2021
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    Worldwide, a disproportionate number of LGBTIQ+ people are poor, unemployed and economically disadvantaged. Hivos wants to change this. So this year we kicked off our five-year ‘Free to be Me’ program. Together with local organizations from 14 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, we will strive to increase the socio-economic rights of the […]

    August 19, 2021