• program

    Aim To increase the availability of nutritious and climate-resilient seeds and to ensure farmers have freedom of choice by preventing exclusive or monopolistic rights on knowledge and genetic resources for food and agriculture. Where East Africa and Southern Africa Why Seed diversity, crucial for food security and nutritious diets, is decreasing dramatically as industrial agriculture […]

  • program

    Our Digital Defenders Partnership supports activists and human rights defenders working on issues such as environmental rights, LGBTIQ+ advocacy, gender equality, and election monitoring. DDP protects activists and human rights defenders in times of increasing repression and the weaponization of digital tools. Why rights defenders need protection online Internet has become an indispensable tool for […]

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    Sustainable Diets for All was part of a five-year-long strategic partnership between ARTICLE 19, Hivos, IIED and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which ended in 2020. On this page you will find all evaluation documents. Aim To make more sustainable, diverse, healthy and nutritious food available for low-income citizens in target countries. Where Indonesia, […]