Terms of Reference: U.S. Foundations – Proactive Business Development

Hivos is an international organization guided by humanist and feminist values. Since 1968 we work together with citizens and their organizations, contributing towards the creation of just, inclusive and life sustaining societies where people have equal access to opportunities, rights and resources. Our mission is to amplify and connect voices that promote social, economic and environmental justice and challenge power imbalances.

Our approach is solution driven. We support the development of alternative solutions to deep-seated problems so that individuals and communities can make responsible and equitable choices within political and economic systems that serve their needs and preserve the planet. We connect people and organizations, support and build social movements and offer alternatives to those looking for solutions in their fight for social and environmental justice.

To this end we work in partnership with others in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America.  We focus on three impact areas: Civic Rights in a Digital AgeGender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Climate Justice. Hivos currently is in the process of developing a new strategic compass 2025-2028.

Hivos’ work is funded by a number of bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations and the Dutch public. While some of our current work is funded by US Foundations, we believe that we could better position Hivos and our work in the USA, particularly with Foundations, and thus increase the income for and impact of our work.

Hivos has a strong track record and network in supporting and connecting frontrunners, civil society organizations and movements for inclusive social change and environmental justice. While our work generally aligns with and contributes to the values, priorities and goals of selected US Foundations, we currently receive relatively little funding from them.

Therefore, we seek to engage a consultant that is able to position Hivos and our work in the USA, and that can connect and represent Hivos with prioritized Foundations, building strong relationships that can lead to an increasing impact and a substantial increase of our funding coming from these foundations.

Hivos already did an initial mapping and research on the US Foundations.


Hivos is well positioned and has meaningful and positive relations with prioritized US foundations, which results in concrete prospects to secure substantial funding for its work.

Responsibilities of the consultant

In continuous coordination with the Hivos’ Business Development Unit:

  • Develop a strategy with deliverables and timeline to achieve the objective of these ToR.
  • Identify and share opportunities for collaboration with and / or funding by prioritized US Foundations with Hivos staff.
  • Position and represent Hivos’ and our work with US Foundations. Create and prepare opportunities for Hivos staff to engage with Foundations directly and facilitate introductions.
  • Guide and advise Hivos staff in the development and financing of proposals.

Responsibilities of Hivos’ Business Development Unit

  • Facilitate continuous communication / coordination between the consultant and Hivos.
  • Allocate one focal point responsible for the coordination between the consultant and Hivos Business Development Unit, as well as broader internal coordination within Hivos
  • Provide the consultant with relevant information about Hivos’ vision, work and networks.
  • Provide the consultant with mapping exercises developed by Hivos.
  • Provide timely input and feedback to consultants’ questions and reports.

Activities, products and schedule

When: July – August 2024
Activities: Offers of consultants received. Contracting of consultant(s).
Products: Offers assessed by Hivos. Consultant contracted by Hivos.

When: August – September 2024
Activities: Develop strategy and planning to introduce Hivos to US Foundations that includes a proposal of prioritized US foundations aligned with Hivos values and amount limits.
Products: Strategy and plan with clear milestones and deliverables. Strategy and plan approved by Hivos.

When: October – December 2024
Activities: Implementation of strategy and planning, which will include, amongst others:
1) Facilitate (introductory and follow-up) meetings between Hivos and prioritized US Foundations.
2) Identify and create opportunities (incl. funding opportunities) to present Hivos.
1) No. of meetings between Hivos staff and prioritized US foundations. Connections and contact data of Foundation key staff.
2) No. of joint events / activities with US foundations.
3) No. of funding opportunities / prospects with high chances of success.

Profile requirements

We seek a consultant(s) that is knowledgeable about and well-connected to US Foundations, and has a track record in successfully obtaining sizable funds from US Foundations.

The consultant(s) should embrace and support Hivos’ core values and strategies and is able and willing to be Hivos’ ambassador in the US. We therefore seek a person(s) that is based in the US and understands the culture, language and context for US Foundations.

Our ideal candidate is strategic, communicative, flexible in their working hours, and has an open and positive attitude. We particularly invite candidates with a diverse background to apply.

What we offer

We offer an interesting and strategic role engaging with a dynamic, progressive organization, that is working to support and amplify and connect voices that promote social and environmental justice and challenge power imbalances, while also in the process to actively shift power and decolonize our work.

Apart from more frequent conversations and contacts, there will be a monthly evaluation and planning conversation between the Hivos team and the consultant.

Application process

Interested applicants should click on the “Apply here” button and submit their applications by August 7, 2024.

  • Profile and CV of the consultant(s) including current contact information (in the resume section)
  • A 2-page proposal that reflects the understanding of the assignment (please add this to the cover letter section)
  • Indicative timelines for delivery of the main activities
  • Financial proposal for the assignment including a daily all-inclusive rate in EUR
  • Overview of relevant assignments and proven track record in the last 5 years
  • At least 3 references client organizations and key contact persons (include name; email address and mobile number)


Timeline and number of days assignment

August – December 2024. Estimated number of days approx. 30 days but please state what you think is feasible and justify this number of days in your application.