Terms of reference for documentation of success stories and best practices We Lead

We are looking for a consultant to support our We Lead program with documenting success stories and good practices and strategies.

About We Lead

We Lead is an inspiring, innovative and powerful program that aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRH-R) of young women. It focuses on four specific groups of young women: those living with HIV, those with disabilities, sexual minorities, and those affected by displacement. The program puts these young women rights holders in the driver’s seat while supporting them to make sustainable changes for their SRH-R. The program is implemented in nine countries in Africa, the Middle East and Central America. The We Lead consortium consists of six civil society organizations: Positive Vibes,  Restless Development,  Marsa,  FEMNET, the Central American Women’s Fund and Hivos. We Lead works in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. Hivos is the leader of the consortium and as such is responsible for the development of the processes of implementation. In each country, the We Lead program supports young women’s groups and organizations to connect with each other in the local Communities of Action (CoA) as well as strengthen their capacity to be able to advocate, claim, protect and promote their SRH-Rs.

Why document success stories, good practices and strategies that have worked?

Documenting success stories, good practices and strategies that have been successful is essential for learning purposes. Capturing the knowledge gained during implementation allows other teams and individuals to learn from the successes and avoid the pitfalls encountered, thereby improving the overall effectiveness and efficiency of future projects. Documented good practices, success stories and effective strategies can also serve as a reference guide for similar future programs. This can greatly reduce the learning curve for program teams and help in replicating success. Success stories are also powerful tools that demonstrate the value and impact of a program, in this case the We Lead program, to the stakeholders. The stories will provide tangible evidence of what has been achieved and can help secure buy-in for future initiatives. Furthermore, sharing success stories will be a great morale booster for rightsholders and COAs. It recognizes and celebrates the hard work that the program team including the rightsholders have put into the program, thereby motivating them to continue striving for excellence.

We appreciate that this process affords the opportunity to step back and celebrate achievements both big and small. The process will create visibility, credibility and clarity around the interventions and outcomes of We Lead. The planned process of documentation aims at creating evidence of We Lead interventions and impact in 9 countries as a collaborative effort between consortium partner, host organizations, COAs and rightsholders.


This exercise will be conducted in the nine We Lead countries, as a follow up to the sense making and outcome analysis workshops. The country teams are expected to generate outcomes, success stories and good practices/strategies. The consultant is therefore expected to work with the country coordination teams to package all these in country specific digital version booklets for learning. In addition, the consultant will work with the global team to select some of the packaged country materials for production of a global digital version booklet featuring all the countries.

The process will be guided by the following:

  • Data collection / gathering all the necessary files / review
  • Ensuring the assignment is executed in a collaborative way
  • Ensuring documents are descriptive / attention to storytelling and story design
  • Design and layout
  • Mode of publishing (videos, book, artwork)

Scope of work of the consultant

  • Review and analysis of country reports: Conduct an in-depth review of existing country reports and outcomes to identify key strategies, good practices, and compelling stories of change.
  • Information analysis: Analyze both qualitative and quantitative data to distil good practices, successful strategies, and impactful stories of change across the program.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Collaborate with Hivos and country teams to address any gaps or additional information needed to enrich the identified stories, ensuring comprehensive coverage.
  • Story compilation and drafting: Develop and draft a “We Lead Seeds of Change” booklet, synthesizing insights and narratives. Incorporate feedback from stakeholders to refine and finalize the content. 

Expected outputs

The expected outputs/deliverables from this assignment are:

  • 9 Country specific stories of change booklets (digital versions): Document and produce outcomes, success stories, good practices/ strategies from each country with an average 6 stories per country.
  • 1 Global stories of change booklet (digital version): Document and produce outcomes, success stories, good practices / strategies selected from each country.

Time frame

It is expected that this assignment is completed within 60 working days. 

Skills and qualifications of consultants

We are looking for a consultant with the following skills and qualifications:

  • Advanced degree in a relevant field (e.g., social sciences, development studies).
  • Proven experience in similar documentation and reporting tasks.
  • Strong analytical skills with experience in both qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Excellent writing and communication skills.
  • Experience working in multi-country settings with diverse teams.
  • Language proficiency in the languages spoken in the project countries, if applicable.

Application process and requirements

Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit a detailed technical and financial proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following;

  • Company profile (where applicable).
  • Description of the methodology
  • Demonstrated previous experience in similar tasks and other qualifications outlined in this ToR.
  • Proposed timeframe detailing activities and a work plan.
  • A detailed budget with breakdown of costs in EUR

All proposals should be sent electronically with attachments in pdf and a subject line: Documentation of Stories of Change – We Lead Program to eastafricajobs@hivos.org not later than November 5, 2024