Call for Proposals: African Crossroads Collaboration Grants
Hivos is pleased to announce that African Crossroads Collaboration Grants cycle for 2023 is now open!
Hivos is pleased to announce that African Crossroads Collaboration Grants cycle for 2023 is now open!
Hivos is looking to partner with Kenyan civil society organizations that will contribute to the goals of our Voices for Just Climate Action program.
Hivos (Southern Africa) is seeking concept notes from registered artistic collectives, creative hubs, and groups of content creators in the audio-visual sector in order to support the production of more consciously independent and self-sufficient makers.
These grants are aimed at supporting capacity strengthening and organizational development of youth led/youth-focused organizations to enable youth to gather and control the knowledge about their sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) needs and issues as well as to sustain their efforts over a longer period of time.
The collaboration grant will support advocacy collaboration efforts and initiatives by consortia or networks. The purpose is to amplify voices and promote collaboration in promoting adolescent and youth SRHR in East and Southern Africa.
Hivos Southern Africa is seeking proposals for its Adolescent and Youth SRHR Inclusive Access Initiative project, under the Regional Sexual and Reproductive and Health Rights (SRHR) Fund.
This grant intends to realize meaningful youth involvement and leadership in adolescent SRHR research, as well as increase adolescent and youth capacity, participation and leadership within the broader SRHR discourse.
Hivos is conducting a 5-day workshop to map out the economic spaces and economic situation of LGBTIQ+ persons globally.
Hivos has published a consultancy assignment to review safeguarding policy and processes.
Hivos would like to engage a new generation of makers from the creative and cultural sector to produce alternative content that will help in engaging the general public and rightsholders for increased acknowledgement and support for young women’s SRHR and ensure rightsholders better claim for their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
We Lead lance un appel à propositions auprès des créatifs du Niger afin de produire un contenu audiovisuel sur les problèmes de santé et de droits sexuels et reproductifs.
Hivos is seeking a consultant (individual or organization) to develop a model Emergency Procurement Guidelines for county governments.