Call For A Consultant (Malawi): Development of Policy Briefs

January 27, 2020

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Name of Consultancy

Development of policy briefs from findings and recommendations of an institutional assessment of public institutions to implement and sustain the mainstreaming of gender equality in socio-economic development in Malawi.


Hivos is a Dutch development organization that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. With smart projects in the right places, we oppose discrimination, inequality, abuse of power and the unsustainable use of our planets resources. Counterbalance alone, however is not enough. Our primary focus is achieving structural change. This is why we cooperate with innovative businesses, citizens and their organisations. We share a dream with them of sustainable economies and inclusive societies.

Hivos in collaboration with its partners is implementing a five year (2016-2020) Women Empowered for Leadership (WE4L) programme in Malawi. This Programme seeks to promote women’s leadership at the political level, in public administration and within civic organizations. It focuses at the sub-national level where decisions are made and policies are implemented that directly affect day-to-day life. It moreover allows for women’s leadership skills to grow and mature. The main catalysing forces in this Programme are women’s organizations and (aspiring) women leaders. Implemented in 5 countries (Lebanon, Jordan, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The goal of the WE4L is “collaborating for increased and effective participation by women in politics and public administration.”


The WE4L programme in Malawi carried out an institutional assessments of public institutions between June-July, 2019 towards implementing and sustaining the mainstreaming of gender equality in socio-economic development. The research was ably conducted by UNIMA lecturers (Professor Chiweza and Dr. Chikapa) and presents valuable findings and recommendations which if utilized could contribute significantly towards promotion of gender equality.

The Scope of the Assignment

There is need to extract key findings and recommendations from the institutional assessments of public institutions to implement and sustain the mainstreaming of gender equality report for target audiences for purposes of advocacy, lobbying and implementation etc. The briefs will be used as an  advocacy tool to influence positive policy change for a conducive policy environment to support women aspiring to and working in public sector institutions The purpose of the policy briefs is to sensitize policy decision-makers and other actors on the rationale and urgency of critical particular course of action and to provide balanced information for the policymakers to make informed decisions.

The policy briefs will be printed and distributed by Hivos and will be posted on Hivos’ website and other relevant partner websites.

Expected Outputs

  • 3 Policy Briefs (maximum 2-4 pages) and
  • 1 opinion/editorial articles (maximum 700 words)

Application and Criteria for Selection of Best Offer:

We invite interested suitable candidates to submit the following application documents:

  • CV showing educational/technical background and experience, and a list of similar assignments of individual/proposed team and their role
  • Short proposal outlining how you meet the criteria and particular value added that you bring in delivering this assignment
  • Technical proposal detailing the consultant’s understanding of the task and how you will deliver the assignment
  • Financial proposal with a clear indication of all-inclusive fee (detailing man-days required and daily rate).
  • At least 2 references for similar work

Combined scoring method will be used in the selection of consultant, where the Technical proposal (qualifications, experience and approach/methodology) will be weighted a max. of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%.

Interested consultants should submit their applications to by 10th February, 2020 with the subject heading ‘Development of policy briefs_ Malawi’.