Mfalme Productions



‘Makarao’ is a satirical 2D animation series that revolves around two fictional police characters, Sgt. Kosgey and Cor. Kip, who are based at Cendrol Police Station in Nairobi. The stories use humour to address social topics that are relevant to the average Kenyan, depicting them in the show through the main characters’ interactions with different individuals and scenarios. By addressing the officers’ on- and off-duty experiences, ‘Makarao’ attempts to demystify the otherwise intimidating perception of the police in Nairobi. Some of the core themes highlighted include issues of corruption, income inequality, and social integration. The use of Swahili on the show makes it relatable to Kenyan audiences, as well as to other Swahili-speaking countries across the Eastern African region. Mfalme Productions hopes to collaborate with emerging animators in future episodes of the series. By taking part in the production cycle they can provide these young creatives with experience in the field that will help them to develop the necessary professional skills. With the creation of a second season of Makarao, Mfalme intends to reach an even wider online and offline audience and continue with the unfiltered critical tone of the series.

After recognising the scarcity of Kenyan animation, despite there being an obvious demand, Mfalme Productions decided to take action. The group began researching and developing original Kenyan animated content that could be consumed both locally and internationally. The outcome was the debut of their animation series ‘Makarao’. Makarao is Nairobi slang for police, and the series presents a critique of the corruption that can be found in the Kenyan police force. Mfalme Productions believe that the show paves the way for the pursuit and establishment of partnerships and collaborations that will facilitate the creation of new African stories for global audiences.