Qudurat is a two-year project in Tunisia implemented by Hivos in partnership with Al Khatt and the National Syndicate of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT). It aims to improve the ability of the country’s media actors and independent media organizations to exercise freedom of expression, respond to digital and legal threats, and provide reliable, inclusive and fact-based information that encourages the public to support freedom of expression.

Why is Qudurat necessary?

Qudurat plays a crucial role in supporting independent media and democratic practices in Tunisia, especially amid severe political and socioeconomic challenges. Since President Kais Saied suspended parliament and dismissed the government in 2021, Tunisia has experienced significant political unrest, deteriorating socioeconomic conditions, and heightened attacks on freedom of expression. The National Syndicate of Tunisian Journalists (SNJT) reports that media actors face various forms of violence, such as verbal and physical assaults, provocations, and threats.

Independent media are vital for informing the public and promoting accountability. However, they face challenges of limited funding, weak digital and legal infrastructures, restricted access to information, and lack of networking opportunities.

Our approach

To confront this, the project will take an inclusive, multi-stakeholder and justice-based approach, grounded in the partners’ collective experience in Tunisia. Our focus areas are: digital safety and security of media actors and organizations; advocacy on freedom of expression legal frameworks; innovative financial and operational models, and inclusive gender-sensitive reporting.

Main activities

  • Conducting online assessments of legal support and digital infrastructure for 15 independent media organizations, providing mentorship on the legal framework for freedom of expression, offering Arabic-language digital safety and literacy training, and developing and distributing a digital toolkit in Arabic for protecting media work.
  • Establishing a Media Sustainability Academy and creating an e-learning module on proposal and budget development.
  • Providing small core funding for independent media organizations, establishing a coordination network, setting up a media fellowship on mis/disinformation and gender-sensitive reporting, and funding the production of journalistic pieces.




September 2023 – September 2025


Al Khatt and SNJT

Hivos and SNJT previously worked together on the Freedom of Expression and Information in Tunisia program.