Hivos at Global SDG7 Conference

February 15, 2018

In support of the review of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7 on access to energy during the UN High-level Political Forum (HLPF) later this year, the first in a series of preparatory meetings will be held from 21 to 23 February in Bangkok. This Global SDG7 Conference brings together stakeholders from governments, UN systems and other international organisations, private sector and civil society to engage in a dialogue that emphasizes the cross-cutting nature of sustainable energy and its multiple roles in supporting the achievement of the SDGs.

Hivos organises and takes part in several sessions with the aim to influence policy makers and practitioners to invest more in decentralised renewable energy (DRE) as a solution to provide access to energy for all. In doing so we focus on the collaboration between different actors. We will emphasize this message during a number of events:

1. Energy Sector Transformation : decentralised renewable energy for universal energy access
Wednesday 21 February, 10.10-11.40 MR-F
Side event organised by: The Netherlands, Germany, Kenya, Nepal, Selco, Schneider Electric, Hivos, Energia and SNV
For more information download the invitation.

2. Interlinkages between Gender Equality and Energy for Sustainable Development
Wednesday 21 February, 10.10-11.40 MR-H
Side event organised by: ENERGIA

3. Doing things differently: why civil society engagement and innovative energy service delivery is needed to achieve the SDGs
Wednesday 21 February, 14.50-16.20
Side event organised by: ACCESS

4. Opening session
Thursday 22 February, 09.00 – 10.30 ESCAP Hall
Sheila Oparaocha of ENERGIA, is a speaker at the event

5. High –level reception
Thursday, 22 February, 17.30-19.00
Co-sponsored by The European Commission, the Netherlands, ENERGIA and Hivos (invitation only)

6. Ensuring universal access to electricity through decentralised solutions to address poverty and inequality
Friday 23 February, 09.00-10.30 ESCAP Hall
Conference main programme

Multi-stakeholder technical group of advisors
To guide the SDG7 review, an ad hoc informal multi-stakeholder technical group of advisors, co-chaired by ENERGIA has been established to prepare for the HLPF. This group is tasked to seek, and facilitate exchange of, expert advice on how to strengthen the follow-up and review of SDG7 and its interlinkages with other SDGs. In order to do so, they have started drafting a number of policy briefs on energy as input to the HLPF to stimulate discussion and inform the Ministerial Declaration of the HLPF. Hivos is closely involved in this process as well, supporting the development of the policy brief ‘Energy Sector Transformation: DRE for universal energy access’. We especially focus on including civil society’s voice and a gender balance in the process.

Follow us in our preparations to the HLPF in July on this website and on twitter: @HivosEnergy.

For more details about our engagement please contact Rita Poppe,